But whatever questions I may have had vanished the moment Reyna Joy was born at 4:11 p.m. Tuesday, January 8.
How is it that I can be madly in love with someone I've never met?
I remember when Reyna was in the womb, Vanessa would have me by her belly, talking to our baby so Reyna would know my voice. I often had one-sided conversations with Reyna. Other times I would read from the Bible, Oswald Chambers, Mark Finley, Ellen White, or some other devotion.
The moment the nurse placed Reyna in my arms a feeling of exhilaration flooded my senses.
When I said, "Reyna" she stopped cooing, opened her dark eyes, and looked up at me. After that all I could do was hold her and cry.
awwww!!! yaaaayyyyy!!!! oooh, i can't wait until i get to meet Miss Joy!
I must come up with a good nickname! Maybe i'll just call her joy! that's what i always wanted to be called. lol
pictures are amazing!
can't wait until tomorrow!
You are going to be an amazing dad!
I can't wait to see her :)
And your whole family together!
Reyna Joy! There is a regalness to it.
My prayers are with you all,
Aunt Caitlin ;)
... hmmm, that sounds funny, I've never written that before
Congratulations!! What a little cutie...can't wait to see her. Looking forward to having her in Sabbath School!
I looked up "Reyna" and it means either "Queen" or "pure and clean." What a cool meaning to have in combination with a name like Joy!
I will be looking forward to another post by our little aspiring author.
Ohhh, it's a real baby...with eyes and fingers and everything! She's beautiful! Can you believe such a beautiful thing came from you and Vanessy? Not that you guys are ugly or anything. You know what I mean.
So, ahem, I sent you guys a package but I thought her name was going to be August...so just disregard any references to the name August...yeah. Just take the gift and throw the note away. I'm going to send the Parkers a link to your blog so they can see your cutie.
I have a real niece. Huh. How interesting is that?
:D hurray!! I'm excited for you and Vanessa! And I'm excited for Reyna and her pretty name (and what looks like pretty red hair!)!
Congratulations :) I can't wait to see you guys- all three of you :)
Father Anh,
joy is such a fitting name for the next Bible Worker president. Why? because joy in the Bible refers to souls being saved. "I tell you that in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents" Luke 15:7. also Heb 12:2, Zeph 3:17.
i miss Queen Joy... when can i see her again!?
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