I have deleted the post that previously appeared under this image. I was recently contacted by a reader who kindly informed me they were offended by it.
I apologize to everyone who was embarrassed or offended by it--that was not my intention. What was intended was a satirical/humor column about my admiration for a friend and nothing more. Apparently it did not come off that way.
Anh Pham
I'm curious to know what the apology is all about.
I want to see pictures of Miss Reyna Joy Pham!!!!
...better yet, I want to see her in person!!!
...better yet, *you know basically what I would say here so I won't say it*
Mr. President, I can't tell you how much I like the name you and your Fair Lady picked out for your daughter. To be totally honest (haha, which I usually am so what's new?), I don't particularly like girls names. I've always liked guys names better. Whenever I think about names I would like for my future children, I always think of guys names, and I can never think of any girls names that I particularly like more than all the other girls names. (guess that means that I'd better have all boys! haha, wouldn't that be fun!?)
HOWEVER, "Reyna Joy" has been Christy-approved and I just might steal it someday if I ever have a daughter of my own! (that is, if I don't become a nun like I've so obstinately threatened!)
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