Monday, December 3, 2007

Why another blog?

Why add another voice to the choir of the bazillions other bloggers posting mostly meaningless drivel that 99 percent of the free world doesn't give a rip about?

I figure if my unborn baby has a blog, rated at genius level, how hard could it be?

Also my blog will show the other Anhs, Phams, and Anh Phams how blogging should be done.

Flame On.


Christy Joy said...

May I suggest a 2nd reason?

Because your dearest Bible Work partners inspired you and made you want to join in on the goodness!

Thomson said...

SCM moment! the commencement of this blog requires a celebration of epic proportions =)

Christy Joy said...

we should....... make an EXCEEDINGLY MONSTROUS pile of leaves and go leave-pile-jumping!


get soy ice cream and bake pies!!!!!! (....mmmmm......!)


learn something fun like basket-weaving! haha, orrr.rr......... we could go to one of those paint your own pottery places and paint plates or something! that's always lots of fun!

any takers?

Christy Joy said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! you so did NOTTTT put my link as "Christy the preener"

if you were here right now i would be giving you the glare of doom. and it's NOT PRETTY!


Christy Joy said...

why does thomson get a cool name like "the bold" and i get "the preener"?? that's showing favoritism!

Anh Pham said...

The Preener is a cool name. It denotes cleanliness. Cleanliness is next to Godliness. So basically you're Christy The Godly.

Besides, like Jacob's and Esau's name, it's one you earned. From looking into the mirror at Chili's to snatching Jon Tillay's cell phone out of his hands to check yourself out, it fits.

Anh Pham said...

This won't effect the pile jumping, soy cream/pie baking, and pottery painting does it?

Christy Joy said...


it MIGHT just effect all that. we shall have to see.....


Kristin said...

Might I perhaps be allowed to link to your blog??

Anh Pham said...

Kristin! You've found my blog. You're welcome here anytime. I'd be honored to have you linked to my blog.