I loved comic books when I was a kid. One of my favorites was the Fantastic Four—comprised of superheroes Mr. Fantastic, a scientific genius who could stretch his body, The Invisible Woman who could also project force fields, and The Thing who possessed superhuman strength and endurance.
But my favorite was the fourth member of the team—Johnny Storm, better known as the Human Torch. A regular looking guy when he was incognito, he could immediately transform himself into a fiery flying crimefighter by the mere mention of the words, "Flame On".

Jesus wants us to Flame On
In a world of increasing wickedness, the love of most is growing cold.
But, Jesus desires to baptize us with the Holy Ghost and with fire (Matthew 3:11).
The Church of Laodicea is rebuked for not being hot. Today many young people are trying to be cool. The Devil wants us to be cool. But Jesus says, "I want you to flame on. Be the Human Torch of My Love." When you flame on, the Devil can’t come close, he can’t stand in the presence of God’s fire. There is nothing more exciting than a Christian on fire. The world sees too many Christians who look like regular human beings. We need supernatural Christians who are covered in fire.
There is a promise that if we cry out, humble ourselves, and seek God's character we will become as hot as flames of fire.
Today we may respond by either being thermometers or thermostats. Thermometers reflect the temperature around them. Thermostats affect the temperatures around them.
The choice before us is either hot, cold, or lukewarm.
Flame On...
flame anh
i've been thinking a lot about truth lately. i know that's very vague. but i'm working on narrowing it down.
What is truth?
That's a really cool application. And the Devil may not be able to approach you when you're on fire for God, but he sure does like to attempt to shower us with ice cold discouragements and trials. Thankfully, God has provided protection for us :)
Ephesians 6:10-18
Yes, sister Kristin, yes. Your "Armor of God" reference (Ephesians 6:10-18) is most appropriate. The trick is taking time in the morning to put the armor on right with a good devotion (a five second prayer as I run out the door doesn't cut it).
Too often I leave my house with my breastplate of righteousness on sideways and belt buckle of truth hanging around my ankles.
Honey, this is good stuff you're writing. I like your analogy and am proud of you!
scm! you have a poll about jeff! haha. I have not made you Anh the turtle. So I should remain Christy The Intuitive!
(i'm avoiding calculus)
EGW has a lot to say about truth:
"Truth, passing by those who despise and reject it, will triumph.
Although at times apparently retarded, its progress had never been checked.
When the message of God meets with opposition, He gives it additional force,
that it may exert greater influence." Evangelism, p. 20
Christy, thanks for that quote from EGW.
Very interesting indeed, so when opposition mounts then truth has greater force. The quote has made me wonder why some of the ministries I'm involved in haven't received much opposition. Perhaps I'm not thinking big enough and moving forward with plans that will cause Satan to marshal more of his minions against me. A somewhat sobering thought, but exciting at the same time.
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